Platform Release Notes
We’re improving our product with every update.
Stay tuned for news and useful features.
New Release - January 30, 2025
New Features:
Comparable Metrics Tab for Primary Transactions
We have added a new feature to the Issuance Monitor: the Comparable Metrics tab, now available for all transactions. This feature allows you to effortlessly compare your transaction portfolio against similar active and recently priced deals (within the last 30 days) using key metrics such as Weighted Average Spread (WAS), Weighted Average Life (WAL), Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF), and Discount Spread (DS). You can view minimum, maximum, median, and quartile values for recent issuances. Additionally, the tab provides a comprehensive list of comparable transactions, considering factors such as collateral type, currency, non-call periods, and reinvestment periods.
Enhanced Resources Page
We’ve revamped the Resources page to make it more organized and convenient. It now features the following sections to help you make the most of our platform: • Getting Started: Discover a collection of short, helpful videos that guide you through setting up a portfolio, saving filters, creating alerts, and inviting team members to maximize the platform's potential. • Primary Issuance: Learn to navigate the Issuance Monitor, where daily posts new deals, total unpriced deals across the US, and more with our detailed brochure. You’ll also find information on Arranger & Manager Profiles. • Secondary / KTX Trading: Dive into resources that streamline your e-trading processes, reduce manual errors, and provide real-time updates. This includes brochures on the KTX™ Electronic Trading, BWIC Monitor, Dealer Inventory, and AMR Refinancing—a quick, cost-efficient method to refinance CLO securities via online auctions with multiple broker-dealers. • Market Monitoring: Explore tools and guides designed to keep you informed about the CLO market’s health. This section includes a brochure on Portfolio monitoring and details about our daily news and monthly webinars. • Webinars / Reports: Access an archive of past webinar replays and reports with in-depth analyses of CLO market trends. Enjoy full 20-page monthly reports, summarized takeaways, and webinar replays covering the last two years.
Subscription Plans Simplified
Understanding subscription plans just got easier! We’ve updated our offerings to focus on three core plans: Basic, Market Monitoring, and Pro.
Display of 'Trading Protocol Selection' Popup in BWIC Creation
The 'Trading Protocol Selection' popup will always appear in Step 3 of the New BWIC creation process. Even if you navigate back to Step 2 and then return to Step 3, the popup will reappear, allowing you to easily switch between A2A and Attributed Trading.
New Release - November 29, 2024
New Features:
Portfolio: New Columns
We’ve added three new columns to the Portfolio view to enhance your workflow: • Issuance Monitor: Quickly redirect to the Issuance Monitor to view corporate actions (refinancing or resetting) involving securities from your portfolio. The status of each action (Active, Priced, Closed) is also indicated. • Roller Deadline (EST): Stay informed about the Roller Deadline for transactions in your portfolio as they approach a refinancing or resetting event. • Arranger Pipeline: Navigate seamlessly to the Arranger Pipeline when securities from your portfolio appear there. These new columns streamline navigation between key tabs on the platform, making it easier to stay organized and up-to-date.
'Out of NC' and 'Out of RI' Email Alerts for Portfolios/Watchlists
Tracking important deal updates during a busy calendar can be challenging. To help, we’re excited to introduce new portfolio alerts! You’ll now receive timely notifications whenever a deal in your portfolio exits its non-call (NC) or reinvestment (RI) periods, ensuring you never miss a critical update. These alerts are scheduled to be sent 3, 2, and 1 month prior to the end of the non-call or reinvestment period, providing ample notice. You’ll be automatically enrolled in these updates. If you prefer not to receive these notifications, simply go to the Alerts section in Settings or on the Portfolio Tab to turn them off.
New Release - September 27, 2024
New Features:
Refi/Reset Alerts Are Now Available for Portfolios
In the midst of a busy calendar filled with refis and resets, it can be easy to lose track of what’s coming up in your pipeline. With so many syndicate deadlines requiring timely responses, staying on top of these schedules is crucial. To help streamline this process, we’re excited to introduce a new portfolio alert feature. Now, with Refi/Reset Alerts for your portfolios, you'll receive notifications whenever a new refi/reset submission for a deal in your portfolio appears on the Issuance Monitor. You’ll also be notified as soon as we receive information on Roller Deadlines for your deals, with two additional alerts: one in the morning on the deadline day and another 3 hours before the deadline expires. This ensures you're always informed and prepared to act promptly.
Introducing: Deal Documents Feature Across the Platform
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Deal Documents feature, providing a centralized hub for all your CLO deal documentation needs. Whether you’re bidding on a BWIC or managing your portfolio holdings, you now have seamless access to critical documents like Offering Memorandums, Indentures, Quarterly Payment Reports, and Monthly Collateral Reports—all in one place. With just one click, you can download entire sets of documents or hand-pick the ones you need. Stay ahead of the game with 70% of CLOs already covered and full coverage planned within the next 6 months. Access documents easily via the document icon in the ‘Docs’ column on the BWIC Monitor, Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, or CLO Manager Profile tabs. Now, you’ll be fully prepared for every BWIC trading session—CLO investing has never been easier!
New Release - August 30, 2024
Aggregated yearly charts: Top-10, Static Deal, Debut Manager
We've improved the filtering options on the Top-10, Static Deals, and Debut Managers charts by adding an 'All' option to the 'Years' filter. This enables you to easily see cumulative data across all years, providing a more comprehensive analysis.
Volume data for Issuance Monitor graphs and charts
We've expanded the primary issuance graphs and charts to include volume data for refi and reset transactions, in addition to the previously existing deal count graph.
Navigation between related transactions details
We have simplified the navigation. You will now see a dropdown menu for all prior related transactions (new issues, refis, and resets). By selecting a transaction of interest, you can quickly open the specific deal, making navigation faster and easier.
Sort by 'Coupon' on Issuance Monitor Class View
We've added the ability to sort by the 'Coupon' column on the Class (Rating) View tab of the Issuance Monitor. This feature allows you to quickly see the range of coupons used by various classes of securities and helps determine the OID (Original Issue Discount) for specific tranches.
New Release - June 20, 2024
New Features:
Enhanced dashboard: time slider added to several graphs
We've introduced a slider feature to the additional 3 graphs on the Dashboard: Issuance Spreads, ESG as % of BSL New Issue, and EU Compliant as % BSL Issuance. This slider allows you to adjust the data view from the current year back to January 1, 2021. With this feature, you can access historical data, compare selected months, quarters, or years, and identify trends over specific periods, enhancing your data analysis capabilities
New Release - April 30, 2024
New Features:
Arranger Pipeline Email Alerts
You can now set up email alerts for the Arranger Pipeline. Receive daily or instant notifications whenever new upcoming transactions are published ensuring you stay informed of forthcoming CLO issuance
New Columns and Pie Charts on Banks Profiles
We're excited to announce an additional feature on the Bank Profile page that will enhance the experience for syndicate professionals. Now, under primary issuance, you can easily view all deals issued by your institution that are currently out of Non-Call or Reinvestment periods. Our new 'Out of NC' and 'Out of RI' pie charts provide a visual representation of the number of deals that have exited non-call or reinvestment periods, giving you a quick and clear understanding of the ratio at a glance. Clicking on the graph will display a list of the underlying deals, streamlining the process for bank professionals to identify refinancing or reset mandate opportunities.
New Release - March 28, 2024
New Features:
Explore Arranging Banks and CLO Market-Maker Profiles
Dive into real-time data on broker-dealers who arrange and make markets in CLO securities, all conveniently presented in a standardized format. Our comprehensive reports allow you to evaluate and compare capabilities across the dynamic landscape of broker-dealers. • Contacts & Events: Access contact information, upcoming events and conferences for potential meetings, and the latest news. • Primary: Gain insights into primary market activities, arrangers' transaction counts, and deal information. • Secondary: Explore secondary market activity including BWICs, Px Talk, and visual graphs depicting Inventory size and offering prices.
Link Your Portfolio to KopenTech Through Our API
With the KopenTech Portfolio, you can monitor your CLO holdings in real time, effortlessly reviewing your trading history and receiving notifications when securities are up for sale on BWICs or appear in dealer inventories. Save time by eliminating manual portfolio updates — let our API handle the work for you, enabling seamless integration with your order management or risk systems. Send BWICs in second, right from your portfolio.
Navigating with Summary Rows
Interested in seeing high-level data on upcoming BWICs, dealer inventory, or primary market issuance? Look no further than our summary row. With just a glance, you can assess the market's state, summarized in one line. Summary statistics are conveniently located at the top of the screen and highlighted in a light green color.
Enhanced Non-Call and Reinvestment Data
We're enhancing the display of non-call (NCE) and reinvestment (RIE) periods on the Issuance Monitor and CLO Manager Profile. Instead of merely showing the number of years, we'll now display the actual dates for NCE and RIE periods. Additionally, we've added columns based on these values that will indicate 'yes' or 'no,' providing clearer insights into the non-call and reinvestment status of securities. These improvements facilitate easier filtering and the setup of email alerts.
New Release - February 23, 2024
New Features:
Customized Dealer Inventory Alerts
Personalize your Dealer Inventory alerts by configuring instant or daily email notifications for security additions, updates, or trades. Save filters, activate alerts, and receive updates that are most relevant to you.
New columns on Portfolio, BWIC Monitor, and Dealer Inventory
We've expanded columns on the Portfolio, Inventory, and Dealer Inventory tabs, as well as the Security Panel. These columns display the end dates of the non-call (NCE) and reinvestment (RIE) periods.
Enhanced navigation to Issuance Monitor from Security Panel
View security historical primary transaction by simply navigating to Issuance Monitor from the Security Panel. Just click the 'Related Transaction' icon on the Security tab of the Side panel to explore all related transactions for a specific deal.
New Release - February 2, 2024
New Features:
Improved Bidding Protocols
We've enhanced our bidding protocols by introducing a minimum bid increment feature. This upgrade, customizable by sellers based on security liquidity and rating, streamlines the bidding process for efficiency and speed.
Summary Statistics for Arranger Pipeline
We've launched summary statistics for the Arranger Pipeline, offering a rapid summary of all upcoming issuance. Conveniently located at the top of the screen, the summary offer quick access the total count, unique arrangers, and managers. Quickly understand pipeline’s composition by Transaction Types (new Issue, refinancing, reset, etc.) and Collateral Types (broadly syndicated loans, middle market, etc.).
New Release - December 1, 2023
BWICs: sorting from newest to oldest
We've revamped the BWIC Monitor page for your convenience. Now, you can sort BWICs lists from newest to oldest and vice versa.
Connectivity between secondary and primary data
Seamless connectivity between secondary and primary data on our platform. Now, from the BWIC Monitor, Dealer Inventory, and Portfolio pages, you can effortlessly navigate to the Issuance Monitor. Simply click the 'Related Transaction' icon located on the right side of the Actions panel to see all deal’s related transactions.
Open Manager Profile from BWIC Monitor
If you are interested in learning more about a particular manager, just click on the hyperlink with the manager's name to quickly access the Manager Profile page.
Enhanced data insights on Issuance Monitor
We've enhanced the Issuance Monitor with the inclusion of two new sortable columns: 'Initial Price' and 'Initial Guidance.' Compare the current price and guidance to the initial values, gaining deeper insights into the market trends.
Enhanced Dashboard navigation
Extended Filtering for New Issue Transaction Count Graph: The 'Type' filternow includes an 'All' option. This allows to see the aggregated trends across new issue, refis, and resets K-Watch News Widget: Discover our new news widget on the dashboard. Access the latest updates or read the full article for more details.
Manager Profile: New columns on 'Deals' tab
We've enhanced the 'Deals' tab for CLO Managers by adding additional columns for Collateral Type and Currency. Swiftly determine the collateral category (BSL or MM) and transaction currency for each deal. Easily sort based on these columns for more efficient work.
New Release - November 3, 2023
New Features:
Schedule Meetings with CLO Managers Effortlessly
We've streamlined your communication process with CLO managers making it more efficient than ever. Send meeting request to the manager directly from the Manager Profile. Go to the "CLO Managers" tab, select the manager and click "Schedule Meeting". Enter recipients, optionally edit message, and send your meeting request.
‘Collateral’ Filter for Top-10 Charts
Additional filter by collateral type (BSL vs MM) is now available for all top-10 charts, including 'Top-10 Issuers,' 'Top-10 Arrangers,' and 'Top-10 Trustees.'
New Release - October 12, 2023
New Features:
"K-watch News" Tab for comprehensive financial insights
Introducing K-Watch News. The single source of CLO market highlights is organized into two categories: primary and secondary, allowing you to focus on the most relevant information. Market highlights graphs offer a swift overview of crucial market trends. Additionally, you can register for KopenTech webinars and learn about new platform features.
Customizable Columns on Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, and BWIC Monitor pages
Add, remove, or rearrange columns according to your preference. Effortlessly customize your view to focus on the information that matters most. Once set up your preferred layout, save it as a template for future use.
Save filters for enhanced monitoring
Save and apply filters on Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, and BWIC Monitor pages. Simplify your workflow by saving preferred filter configurations and reusing them without wasting time on configuring filtering parameters again. Just click "Save this filter", enter filter name, set notification (never/daily/Instant), tick default if you want to make this filter default, and save.
Secondary trading stats for all Manager's Deals
We've upgraded the CLO Manager Profile's deals tab to include secondary trading stats as well as upcoming BWICs. Click on any ticker to see visualized BWIC historical trading, px talk and color, and appearance in the dealer's inventory. It shows all managers deals with historical appearance on the BWICs.
Webinar and Platform Overview videos on Manager's Profile
We've enhanced the Overview tab on the manager's profile by adding the ability to view the CLO Market Trends Webinar video and Platform Overview video. You can access these informative videos effortlessly, gaining valuable insights into managers.
The KTX platform offers Out of NC and Out of RI filters
We have upgraded our platform with enhanced filtering options on the Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, and BWIC Monitor tabs. New filters empower you to have greater control and precision in your searches. You can easily filter results by criteria such as Out of Non-Call and Out of Reinvestment.
"My BWICs" Menu for streamlined access
"My BWICs" menu simplifies your platform experience. With this feature, you no longer sift through all BWICs to find the ones you're participating in. Click on the "My BWICs" item within the KTX Trading column. From there, you can effortlessly access your BWICs list and choose whether to buy or sell.
New Release - August 9, 2023
New Features:
The KTX platform now offers enhanced filters
We have upgraded our platform with enhanced filtering options on the Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, and BWIC Monitor tabs. The addition of new filters empowers you to have greater control and precision in your searches. Now, you can easily filter results based on various criteria, including maturity, vintage, trustee, AMR refinancing.
Valitana Integration
We have implemented seamless navigation between KopenTech and Valitana, aiming to enhance the experience for our platform's subscribers. Now, whether you are evaluating the BWIC CLO pipeline or reviewing your portfolio on the KTX platform, accessing Valitana data is incredibly simple with just one click. By clicking the ʼValitanaʼ button, you will be instantly redirected to the security analytics page on the Valitana website.
Label for managers with active transactions
Managers with active transactions will now have a distinct 'Red Flag' label displayed prominently. With this immediate identification, you can efficiently prioritize your attention and stay on top of critical activities.
New Release - July 11, 2023
New Features:
BWIC Monitor, Portfolio and Dealer Inventory are now expanded with additional columns and filters
We enhance our platform capabilities with additional columns and filters to Dealer Inventory, Portfolio, and BWIC Monitor tabs tailored to provide more detailed and efficient data analysis. Columns: • AMR Deal • Closing • Collateral • Deal Name • ESG • EU Compliant • Manager • Maturity • NCE, years • Out of NC • Out of RI • RIE, years • Static Deal • Trustee • Vintage Filters: • Collateral • ESG • EU Compliance • Manager • NC End • RI End • Rating • Static Deal
Security History now includes Dealer Inventory data
We added price information from Dealer Inventory to the Security History panel. It allows you to quickly view the previous transactions related to a specific security. It now includes both BWIC and Dealer Inventory pricing.
Dealer Inventory alert is added for the new BWIC creation screen
When creating a new BWIC, we notify you if security you are planning to BWIC is already included in another scheduled BWIC or listed inDealer Inventory. This helps prevent potential conflicts, saving time and ensuring best execution.
Export for Static Deals and Debut Managers charts
You can now export Static Deals and Debut Managers charts in pdf format for easier sharing. This feature allows you to extract data effortlessly and use it in external tools or presentations.
New Release - June 1, 2023
New Features:
Explore CLO Manager Profiles with KopenTech
Gain valuable insights into real-time data on CLO managers, conveniently presented in a standardized format that combines essential facts and attributes, including key personnel, managed CLOs, and an ESG framework. Our comprehensive profile report allows for evaluation and comparison of capabilities across the dynamic landscape of CLO managers. • Overview: Provides a general description of the company's profile, main indicators, pie charts, and customizable graphs. • Transaction Details: Presents a table with deals, related transactions, and transaction details. Users can access pre-pricing models through the Intex application. • CLO Team (Editable by Managers): Offers detailed information about CLO manager team members, including names, LinkedIn profiles, and contact details. • Additional Information (Editable by Managers): Covers investment approach, founder details, location of operations, manager presentation, and equity information.
Read moreAccess Bloomberg functions directly from the KTX platform
Whether you're managing your portfolio or exploring primary and secondary pipelines on the KTX platform, you can now access Bloomberg CLO functions with just one click. Simply click on the ʼBloombergʼ icon to choose from a range of Bloomberg functions, including security description, collateral description, composition and performance, deal cash flows, triggers, and MVOC.
New Release - April 27, 2023
New Features:
Access to historical webinars are now available on KTX platform
Each month KopenTech provides a comprehensive review of the CLO market trends. Access historical webinar replays and reports on our platform: • Webinar Replay Get access to full webinar replays for the past 2 years. • Monthly Report Get full 20-page CLO market performance report: BWIC/TRACE volumes, DNT rates, dealer’s inventory, new issues, prices across the stack, and more. • Newsletter Get monthly market insights in a quick 1-minute read: CLO market takeaways summarized on a single page.
US BSL Issuance WAS, WARF, and DS graphs are added to Dashboard
• Weekly WAS, WARF and DS graphs show minimum, maximum, median and quartiles of these metrics over a weekly period for CLO new issue securities • These charts provide valuable information into CLO portfolio credit quality trends • Hover each graph to view full quartile statistics
Arrangers can invite you to view their deals on Issuance Monitor
Receive invitations to participate in primary CLO deals directly from arranging banks: • Receive an email invitation with the deal's 1-pager and link to view more details avoiding mailbox clutter • Access full deal details in a standardized format (underlying portfolio, documents, capital structure) as well as transaction marketing history • Download portfolio, indenture or other deal documents as required • Subscribe to automatic daily or instantaneous email updates for the deal • Stay organized and view all CLO transactions you are invited to in one place • Show your interest in transactions by sending an IOI.
New Release - March 6, 2023
New Features:
Intex Intergration
Whether you are looking at primary or secondary CLO pipeline or analyzing your portfolio on KTX platform, click on the Intex button to run the deal on Intex. Once clicked, you will be automatically redirected to the deal page of an active deal or login page for the pre-pricing models in INTEXcalc™ application. Available for Intex subscribers only.
Blotter API
Integrate KTX electronic trading platform with your internal OMS system via API. Blotter API is a streamlined and efficient way to manage your trade activities. As soon as the trade is approved on our platform, you will immediately receive it in your OMS. This powerful tool allows for straight through processing of all trading activity.
New Dashboard Chart: Top-10 Trustees
The Top-10 Trustees table lists those who issued the largest number of transactions over selected timeframe. • Users can specify type of transaction: new issue, refinancing, or reset. • Users can specify Year To Date (YTD) or a specific year.
New Release - January 30, 2023
New Features:
Our flagship, most innovative, and transparent LiveBidding™ trading protocol is now accessible for CLO buy-side bidders.
LiveBidding™️ is a two-stage trading protocol with competitive access to the transparent, high-speed bidding rounds. The seller controls the following settings during BWIC creation: • Duration of the first round (minutes) • # of Stage 2 participants (Top 3 / Top 5 / All) • Length of each improvement round (minutes) • Minimum price improvement (5-25 cents recommended) Bidders enjoy a high-speed, transparent process: Stage 1 • Investors bid on securities in a “blind” fashion; improvements are allowed during the allotted time. • Top-[X] bidders proceed to the next round. Stage 2 • Bidders see live prices. • The bidding clock is reset after each improved bid, and the winner is determined when the clock expires. • The bidding interest in each security determines the number of stage 2 rounds.
Release - January 23, 2023
New Features:
BWIC Monitor API
Access KopenTech BWIC Monitor in your OMS system with REST API. Response data is provided in JSON format. API request fields include but are not limited to: • BWIC date and time • Security identifier, size, currency • Same-day BWIC check • BWIC rules: process, days to settle • Status: scheduled, bidding, finished or canceled • Post-BWIC trade information: traded vs not; numerical color • Dealer’s Price Talk
Ability to turn off new BWIC notifications & reminders
'Instant' notification mode is selected by default. User can choose the 'Never' option to opt out of direct BWIC email notifications. Users will always receive email notifications for their own BWICs, regardless of the notification status for the other BWIC activity.
Release - December 30, 2022
New Features:
Weekly Issuance Monitor Summary Email stats
Receive weekly email summarizing primary market activity: • New issue transactions for the past week • Collateral quality of the active deals (WAS, WARF and DS distributions) • 2-week graph of primary average spreads by rating Emails will be sent every Friday at 3:00 PM (EST).
Issuance Monitor alerts at users profile
Configure all Issuance Monitor notifications in the User Profile. We added a tab where you can customize all platform alerts: • All Updates Receive an email any time transactions are published or updated • New Transactions Receive an email only when new transactions are published • Weekly Primary Summary Email Receive weekly primary market highlights • Transactions Matching Your Filters Receive an email when transactions matching your saved filters are published or updated
Release - December 22, 2022
New Features:
IOIs submission
IOIs (Indication of Interest) submission is now available on Issuance Monitor. - Show your interest in transactions by sending an IOI (you can submit one or multiple IOIs to each class). - For each class, you can specify the Size, DM, and choose Fixed or Floating coupon (additionally, you can set OID, Spread, and Comment). - You can add, edit or delete IOIs while the transaction is in Active status. - All company users have one centralized view. - All historical IOIs are saved for all deals.
API for Issuance Monitor
Plug in Issuance Monitor into your OMS or Portfolio systems for a deeper analysis of the primary market.
Top-X bidding process
Top-X trading protocol with 2 stages and multiple rounds of bidding in each stage. Allows manual input for off-platform bank bids and auto feedback for bidders. Choose Top-X template from the New BWIC wizard. Stage #1: The Seller may choose Stage 1 duration from two options: unspecified (seller controls finish time) or automatic (number of minutes is chosen by seller and communicated to bidders ahead of time). In case of automatic setting, the platform will send reminder 5 minutes before the Stage 1 end to all bidders. All bidders receive automated platform feedback in Stage 1: best, cover, third, or not in top three. The Seller has the option to postpone the feedback in the first 20 minutes of the auction. Stage #2: Top-X bidders (number is chosen by the Seller) are allowed to participate in Stage 2. Participants do not receive automatic feedback during Stage 2, but Seller has an option to send it. Feedback during Stage 2 is not automated but at Seller’s discretion.
Best Foot Forward bidding process
Simplest trading protocol via a silent auction with only single opportunity to submit the best price. - The Seller specifies timeframe during which bids may be submitted. - All bidders can improve bids during the bidding phase. - Participants receive reminder to submit bids 5 minutes into the auction. - No feedback is given during the BWIC.
BWIC auto-feedback delay
Now the seller can set a delay in sending auto-feedbacks for all bidders (from 1 to 20 minutes delay). The information will not be disclosed to bidders. Available for the following trading protocols: - Standard - The autofeedback delay setting applies during the bidding period. - Jump Ball - The autofeedback delay setting during Stage 1 - Top X - The autofeedback delay setting during Stage 1 and Stage 2 if the Buyer turned ON Autofeedback + autofeedback delay has yet to expire.
Release - December 1, 2022
New Features:
Arranger pipeline: aggregated view across the market
Arranger Pipeline is now available on Issuance Monitor. Stay informed on upcoming CLO issuance. - Enjoy standardized and aggregated view across all arrangers. - Find who is looking for anchor AAAs and equity (majority/minority). - Sort or filter by various criteria - Arranger, Deal, Manager, Type, NC End, RI End, Expected Timing, EU Compliance. - Contact syndication desks to get more details.
Read moreRelease - November 7, 2022
New Features:
Jump Ball trading protocol with customizable parameters
A fully automated and technology-enforced two stage Jump Ball trading protocol with customized parameters is now one of the templates available on the KTX platform. Pre-select the duration of each stage or stop it manually. Stages and parameters are announced as part of the BWIC posting. - Fully customizable settings - Automated feedback during the first stage of bidding - No feedback given during Stage 2/ Jump Ball - Auto-reminders and notifications along the bidding process
Stage #1: Open bidding with auto-feedback
Duration options: - Manual (Seller controls finish time) - Automatic (number of minutes is preset by the seller, announced to the market and automated by the platform) Stage 2 participant options: Choose the number of bidders who go to stage 2: i.e. top 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Stage #2: Jump Ball, a silent stage with one time to improve your bid
Bids from stage 1 are carried to stage 2 and bidders have one time to improve, if they choose. "No bidding over yourself" is not enforced on the platform. However, the seller is notified if the buyer is bidding over themselves and has the option to trade at the lower bid. Feedback is given when all bidders submit bids in Stage 2. Duration options: - Manual (Seller controls finish time) - Automatic (number of minutes is preset by the seller, announced to the market and automated by the platform)
Product GuideImprovements:
Highlighting changes in the Deal Alerts email
Deal Alerts emails have become more informative and detailed - all changes are highlighted in colors: added, updated, removed. Additionally, the ‘Updated’ status is displayed near the status label, and arrows are displayed on numerical values.
Release - October 21, 2022
Bulk Bid Upload (BBU) is added to the KTX trading platform
It is now possible to bulk upload bids while conducting a BWIC. While this might reduce timely feedback to the dealers, it is possible to bulk upload from a spreadsheet or other sources instead of manually entering every bid.
Additional security identifiers are available on Issuance Monitor
For Closed (settled) transactions, CUSIP/ ISIN/ Type (144a, RegS, etc) columns are now added. You can find them on the Overview/Structure tabs and the aggregated Deal/Class tables. Data is available for all transactions closed after July 1, 2022.
Release - October 8, 2022
New Features:
CLO Transaction History is now available on Issuance Monitor
To view transaction history, click on the icon next to the last updated date and get redirected to the transaction history page with all changes. - Access transaction syndication timeline with quick tags for main updates - Conveniently compare versions - Monitor guidance changes and subscription progress - Search history of updates to quickly find what you need
Issuance Monitor: Quick tags for main updates
Click on ‘last updated’ date on Issuance Monitor to view a tag for the main update, e.g. upsize, guidance change, etc.
Release - September 16, 2022
New Features:
Data summary is added for the Issuance Monitor
We added a summary row at the top to display key statistics when users are conducting a filtered search. Summary statistics for deal and class include count, volume, the median of WAS, WARF, DS, C/E, MVOC, Spread and DM. Once the filter is refreshed/re-applied, deal and class statistics will be automatically re-calculated per the results.
Release - August 8, 2022
New Features:
K-Indicator: a Single Measure for CLO Market Stress
KopenTech has developed a multi-factor CLO Market Stress Indicator, called the K-Indicator, to enable market participants to better monitor and track conditions within the market. K-Indicator incorporates a variety of metrics that measure secondary CLO market liquidity, transparency, and sentiment. It is derived by the equal-weighted average of the normalized values of five metrics: DNT%, Color%, AAA Average Price Talk Deviation from Color, Same Day BWIC%, and Average Traded AAA Price Level.
Release - June 24, 2022
New Features:
Issuance Monitor: "On hold" status is added
Transactions where marketing is delayed by the arranger are now marked with "On Hold" icon.
Issuance Monitor: Ticker field is added
"Ticker" field is added to the transaction details. It is also available as a separate column on the monitor. You can now search the database by Ticker.
Release - June 23, 2022
New Features:
Introducing KTX DirectBidding, a new trading protocol.
DirectBidding is a trading protocol where CLO buy-side investors can negotiate directly and trade anonymously. Access CLO liquidity from broker-dealers and the buy-side simultaneously. Send a BWIC to 150+ buy side firms, 30+ broker-dealers, or both in one trading session.
Release - May 10, 2022
New Features:
Issuance Monitor
- Roller deadline is now available for refinancing transactions. Information can be accessed 2 ways: 1) add ‘Roller Deadline’ column to your view and save as default 2) access via advanced filters with an option to search by specific date - Full deal history is now available to refis and resets. To view deal historical transactions, click on icon next to the deal name and you will be redirected to a new tab with history
Issuance Spreads Dashboard
Issuance Spreads graph shows new issue spreads over the last 12 months. Users may filter by transaction type, coupon, rating, collateral type, short vs long-date deals or currency. Users can also adjust the timeframe settings – week, month, quarter, or year. Spreads are shown over LIBOR base rate until December 31, 2021 and over SOFR thereafter.
EU Compliant Deals Dashboard
EU Compliant Deals graph shows the breakdown of EU Compliant deals as a % of BSL CLOs by month, quarter or year. Users can also filter by transaction type – new issue, refi or reset.
Short & Long-Dated Issuance Dashboard
Short & Long-Dated Issuance graph shows the trend by month, quarter or year. Short-dated deals are classified as those with a non-call period of 0-1.5 years and reinvestment period of 0-3.5 years. Users can also adjust the view by filtering the graph based on transaction type.
BWIC Monitor
- Same-day BWICs are now marked with special icon on BWIC Monitor. - Users now have ability to filter BWICs by position size.
Dealer Inventory column is added to the Portfolio page. Click View link in the Inventory column to see which bonds from the portfolio are offered in dealer’s inventory.
Release - Mar 31, 2022
New Features:
Primary Issuance Dashboard Gets Reimagined
Graphs are now available on a separate tab of ‘Issuance Monitor’. To view them, simply click the ‘Dashboard’ tab. Graphs are enabled with interactive setup and toggles.
New Graphs are added to the Primary Issuance Dashboard
1. ESG Deals % in New Issue shows monthly % breakdown of ESG deals in the market. Users can specify timeframe. 2. Static Deals: table lists static deals. Users can select YTD or a specific year. 3. Debut Deals: table lists new managers entering CLO market. Users can select YTD or a specific year.
Issuance Monitor
Syndicate contact information is moved to the top of the transaction details page. Click on Syndicate button to view details.
Manager and Arranger quick filters are added to the transaction details page. Just click on an icon next to the manager or arranger name and get redirected to all active & historical transactions.
BWIC Dashboard
For users who have Portfolios set up, portfolio securities appearing in Dealer Inventory are listed in a separate widget on Dashboard page. Turn on BWIC & Dealer Inventory alerts to stay tuned on activity in your portfolio.
Release - Jan 20, 2022
New Features:
AAA Price Talk and Color Graph
This graph plots monthly average AAA post-trade color and monthly average Px talk, including the range of Px talk within each month. Wider ranges of Px talk show that broker-dealers had differing predictions of the traded price. Small differences imply high forecasting accuracy by broker dealers, while large differences indicate fast moving market conditions with less forecasting ability.
Portfolio Alerts on Dealer’s Inventory
Receive instantaneous portfolio alert once security in your portfolio is added, updated or traded from Dealer Inventory. This feature is turned on automatically. Users can manage Alerts from 2 places: Portfolio or Notifications section of the Account Settings.
Read moreImprovements:
Additional Filtering for Dashboard Widgets
Filters by currency and rating are now available for Biggest Movers and Most Traded Bonds widgets on Dashboard.
Release - Dec 20, 2021
New Features:
Saving filters on Issuance Monitor
Users can now save multiple custom filters on Issuance Monitor. Enter ranges or min/max values on Issuance Monitor’s fields to get a set of transactions that meet your parameters, then click save and name your filter. Set a default filter to see every time you log back into the system.
Read moreRelease - Dec 17, 2021
New Features:
BWIC Email Alerts
Users can set up customized alerts based on currency, ratings and BWIC notional size. To set up an alert, click on the Email Preferences button on the BWIC Monitor page or open Profile > Notifications. When relevant boxes are checked, users receive a daily email notification when qualified securities are posted on BWICs.
SOFR Filter
Transactions on Issuance Monitor now include a filter for SOFR. If selected, it will show transactions that have at least one SOFR-based tranche. Click the +MORE button to select among available filters.
Release - Nov 30, 2021
New Features:
Filterable Credit Enhancement (C/E)
The C/E % filter can be used as a range or a minimum if only lower bound is specified. This field helps investors assess the subordination of each tranche and can be very useful in conjunction with the Rating filter and the Class View. To access this feature, toggle on Class View, then select C/E (%) from the +MORE list of available filters.
Filterable Market Value Overcollateralization (MVOC)
The MVOC filter takes into account the market value of the collateral and can be particularly useful for seasoned deals, such as refis and resets. First, toggle Class View, then click +MORE to select MVOC as an available filter.
Intex Deal Information
Intex File name is now displayed at the top of the Transaction Overview page. Click on the Intex icon located on the top right corner.
Additional Presets for Closing and Pricing Date Filters
Pricing and Closing Date columns now have frequently used preset filtering options, such as this/last week, this/last month and rolling 1/3/6 months. To access, click +MORE and select Closing Date and/or Pricing Date from the list of columns, then filter for the time you are interested in.
Improved Default Sorting Settings of Primary Pipeline
By default, active transactions that are still accepting orders are located at the top of Issuance Monitor. These transactions are now sorted by the Last Updated date. Priced and closed transactions are sorted by the closing date from newest to oldest.
Release - Nov 22, 2021
New Features:
Admin Role
KopenTech subscribers now have 3 user types available: Administrator (Admin), Seller, Viewer. Companies may have multiple admin users but must have at least one. Admin role can be combined with Trader or Viewer role. Admin users can manage users and trading relationships, as well as set trading limits.
Read moreCustomizable Columns
Within Issuance Monitor, users can add/remove columns with relevant information and to save these views for future use. Column customization is available for both Deal View (entire CLO capital structure) and Class View (tranche-specific information).
Read moreIssuance Data Visualized
Dashboard now includes data from the Issuance Monitor, including 1) Top 10 Arrangers, 2) Top 10 Issuers and 3) customizable volume/deal count graph for new issue, refi and reset transactions. Data goes back to 2016.
Read moreImprovements:
Last Updated field added
Issuance Monitor has a Last Updated field for active and priced transactions. Users can hover over the date to view timing of the most recent update.
Deals marked as NEW
Any transactions that have just posted to Issuance Monitor will be indicated as NEW for the first 24 hours.
Release - Oct 19, 2021
Overbidding alert
Once a BWIC Seller has pressed the “trade” button and proceeded to the selling screen, they will receive a pop-up notification when broker-dealers bid over themselves. A drop-down with both prices will be displayed along with a notification suggesting the Seller can trade at the lower price.
Tied for best alert
Once a BWIC Seller has pressed the “trade” button and proceeded to a selling screen, they will receive a pop-up notification when there are multiple bidders who are tied for the best bid. The names of tied broker-dealers are displayed, then BWIC Sellers are given a choice to pick with whom they want to trade from the drop-down window. Canceling out of this screen and returning to the bidding window provides the option to proceed with bidding.
Release - June 23, 2021
The Auto-Feedback feature received two improvements. First, Auto-Feedback now has the option of replying to the first place bidder with “Best.” Second, the Auto-Feedback panel can be expanded to view different options for feedback.
Release - June 2, 2021
New Features:
Advanced filtering on the Issuance Monitor page
Users now can filter out the transactions by 5 default filters: Manager, Arranger, Type, Status and Rating; and 9 additional filters: Currency, Pricing Date, Closing Date, Non-Call End, RI End, WAS, WARF, DS, Collateral Type and AMR Eligibility. Users can combine different filters together for more granular results. Each filter is adjusted for the specific data type, so users can quickly find any data. For example, managers or arrangers can be easily found from the list with the built-in search. Time periods can be filtered by dates, years or preset ranges.
Release - June 1, 2021
New Features:
Dealer Inventory
Users are now able to view inventory from multiple broker-dealers, all organized in a consistent format and updated in real-time. Also included are historical Px talk and color information on dealer inventory, located in one platform and sharable between team members. This also allows users to sort, search and filter dealer inventory, as well as add bonds from dealer’s inventory to their portfolio. In a future release, users can toggle on email alerts to receive a notification when bonds in their Portfolio are sold by dealers.
Ability to add security to My Portfolio from Security panel across the system
Users can now add security to their Portfolio through the “Add to Portfolio” button. This allows users to add individual bonds to their portfolio throughout the entire platform without the need to type in tickers or unique identifiers.
Release - Apr 19, 2021
New Features:
Standardized Blast Messages to bidders
Save time by sending Blast Messages to all bidders. BWIC Reminder: “Please submit your bid or indicate that you pass”. Send this message as a reminder to those invited who did not submit a bid. Final Improvement Request: “Please submit your final level”. Choose to send to Top 3, Top 5 or All. Depending on the protocol, send this message to the appropriate number of bidders to conclude your BWIC.
Bank salespeople have a dedicated Viewer role/tools
KopenTech has features that are helpful for salespeople to manage orders and track market data: - AMR Refinancings - Electronic BWIC Trading - Issuance Monitor - CLO Inventory - Market Monitoring KopenTech AMR has a built-in order management system that helps salespeople collect client bids in preparation for bidding in AMR auctions. KopenTech BWIC has helpful market monitoring features including online BWIC bidding monitoring as well as primary and secondary market surveillance features.
Read more...Improvements:
The improved bidding screen layout allows customization, faster data entry, autosaving and ability to mark dealers as Favorites.
Improved auto-feedback functionality automating BWIC status updates and significantly reducing communication efforts.
More details about the release...Release - Feb 4, 2021
Bug Fixes:
Minimized graph view & unified filters on the Dashboard page.
Ability to upload user photo in the Account Settings.
Ability to see user’s Kopentech Sales Representatives.
Release - Jan 11, 2021
New Features:
CLO Issuance Monitor
The Issuance Monitor is a centralized portal for all primary activity: new issues, refis and resets. With this portal, our objective is to have a centralized location and standardized approach to collecting deal information. When you arrive on the Issuance Monitor page, you’ll immediately see similar filters to the BWIC monitor. Advanced filtering tools are available to search for specific transaction types, ratings, reinvestment, or non-call periods along with 15 other portfolio characteristics. Investors will be able to access granular deal details in five intuitive sections.
Read more...Improvements:
New Graph: Px Talk Deviation from Color - Px Talk Accuracy Barometer
Average Px Talk Deviation from Color (PTDC) is a measure of aggregate broker-dealer Px Talk accuracy. For each trade where color is provided, we find the absolute error between the actual color price and the average Px Talk value across dealers. The higher the value, the less accurate dealers are in predicting actual prices at that point in time. The higher the error value, the less liquid the market.
Release - Dec 23, 2020
New Graph: Security Lookup: Px Talk & Color Dispersion
This interactive security look-up feature allows investors to view pricing data over a customized length of time. Over six years of historical data are available for analysis, visualization and download.
New Graph: DNT % - Barometer of Demand
The Did Not Trade (DNT) rate is a widely-used measure of demand. It is the percentage of bonds that were sent out on BWICs and tagged DNT, meaning "did not trade," or no trade agreement was reached. The higher the value, the less implied liquidity exists in the market.
Release - Nov 30, 2020
New Graph: Trading Volume Barometers
FINRA’s TRACE database is comprised of daily BWIC trades as well as bilateral trading activity broken down between IG and HY.
Release - Nov 11, 2020
New Graph: Price Ranges by Rating
The Price Levels graph shows price dispersion by rating. Hover for full quartile statistics.
Release - Oct 7, 2020
New Features:
New Graph: Daily Trade Analysis
See statistics from today’s BWIC trading session, including posted and traded volume, security count, DNT rates and Color rates. Quickly compare Px Talk and Color across ratings.
New Graph: Same-day BWIC % - Stability Barometer
The Same-day BWIC Rate is the percentage of bonds that were announced for sale to investors and traded on the same day via BWIC. Most BWICs are announced 48 hours in advance to allow bidders enough time to research the bonds in question. It can be used as more of an abstract measure of market sentiment, with a higher value indicating more stress.
Release - Jun 30, 2020
New Features:
New BWIC Selling Protocol – Live Bidding
Live Bidding is an innovative method of conducting a BWIC. Historically, CLO BWICs have been conducted in a first-price sealed-bid auction format in which: - Bidders submit sealed bids directly to the seller - None of the participants know one another‘s bids - The top bidder pays the submitted price Live Bidding is a methodology that allows a Seller to conduct a 2-stage BWIC. The first stage is like a normal BWIC but for only 30 minutes. At the end of that 30 minutes, the top 3 bidders on each listing will be promoted to a second round in which the current best price is shown to all 3 bidders. When a new high price is submitted, the other 2 dealers have 5 minutes to improve upon it. If 5 minutes time expires with no additional bids, the highest submitted bid wins the bond.
Read more...Release - Apr 30, 2020
New Graph: Scheduled BWICs
The scheduled BWICS bar graph displays upcoming BWICs, broken out by ratings and updated in real-time. Filtering by currency is available.
New Graph: Scheduled BWICs Heatmap
Our heatmap enables investors to visualize upcoming BWICs through colored tiles. The tiles are colored more intensely when larger notional is scheduled and the number of securities is displayed next to volume. The heatmap helps both buyers and sellers to schedule their participation. Sellers can avoid busy periods to get better participation from broker-dealers.
Release - Mar 17, 2020
New Features:
Historical Data for Your Securities
Simplify your month-end pricing with historical data stored in one centralized place.
New Table: My Scheduled BWICs
My BWICS shows any BWICs you scheduled as a seller. My Bids shows any bids you placed on the upcoming BWICs via KopenTech’s multi-dealer bidding platform.
Invite Broker-Dealers
Invite Broker-Dealers with whom you trade to join the KopenTech BWIC platform.
Add Company Contacts
Add your ops, compliance, billing, and other company contacts for streamlined communication.